multiplication flash cards, for those who need to study but would rather be fishing.
About the author:
The author of those stacks is a young friend of mine from Alaska who contacted me answering to the ChildWare notice I had enclosed in my BabyLabyrinth game.
His name is Granite Christopher and he is just 10 years old. He bought his first macintosh just one year ago and in this year he learned to program with Hypercard just reading the scripts he found in the stacks he collected.
He (and his mother Diane) wrote me asking advice about how to learn to write stand-alone applications and what type of books and compiler to get.
His work seemed to me nice and promising, so in my answer I suggested I could send for them the stacks to some BBS as shareware asking a small fee and, if possible, the help and advice of some Mac programmer nearer to Alaska than me (I live in Italy, and it’s a long way to Alaska!).
They were very pleased of my idea and so... here are the stacks.
What they ask is a either 5 $ fee (Diane wrote me that the 10$ I suggested seemed her too high, I hope 5 $ is ok) or at least a postcard to encourage and help Granite to learn to get a good Mac programmer.
If somebody near Alaska can advice and help Granite to learn programming, well he can contact them.
Their address is:
Granite Christopher and Diane Bundy
P.O. box 4004
Soldotna, Alaska
99669 USA
In case of problems you can E-Mail me too, but I think you’d better to call them. I read my E-Mail less then once a week and I am very far away from USA. Anyway My Internet E-mail address is :